Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How to Write a High School Book Review

How to Write a High School Book Review How to Write a High School Book Review Instructors are fond of assigning book reviews in high school. Most students think that book reviews are some sort of punishment that ensures they read the whole book and write a 500 word critique. However, book reviews are assigned to students so that they can develop a better understanding of the society in which they live and the world at large. How to write a high school book review is a nightmare for most high school students who despise reading, but it does not have to be if one follows some simple rules. First, one must understand the nature of a book review, which is the reader’s reaction to a specific book rather than a simple summarization of the work. A book review involves analyzing the validity of the content, purpose, and organization of the book. There are two basic kinds of book reviews, descriptive and critical. Descriptive book reviews evaluate the pertinent information offered in the book through exposition and description and is couched in the context of literary and historical values. These attributes are then supported by evidence from the work. The writer states and examines the perceived purposes and intentions of the author, often quoting some of the most compelling excerpts from the text in an effort to illustrate a point. However, in most cases, high school students are assigned critical book reviews to complete as part of their literature assignments as opposed to descriptive. In a critical book review, students must be conscious of two requirements. First, students need to be well informed of the work under review. This necessitates that the student understand the author’s purpose and how the sections of work contribute towards the purpose in writing. Gaining a basic knowledge about the author’s life experiences, as well as other works by the author and time period of publication, will often facilitate the student’s ability to understand the influences on the author’s works. Secondly, it is imperative for students to understand the genre of the text. Understanding the book’s genre is simply to be conscious of the art form of the book and utilization of its characteristics. Without knowledge of the genre, students have no literary understanding upon which evaluation s are based. The basics of a book review also include having a sense of what the reader expects to find in the critique. The reader should be able to glean from the critique some understanding of author’s thoughts and intentions without reading the original text. Main events and themes of the book are presented in a coherent and precise manner. Finally, in a review, apart from communicating the author’s purpose, it is prudent for the reviewer to express an opinion about the author’s success in achieving the purpose in writing the book. Students must be certain to provide adequate evidence to support personal opinions. In summary, completing a book review, just like making a book report, requires one to read through the entire text and offer a reaction to the content of the book, as well as its organization and the author’s ability to express ideas in a clear and concise manner. The student will find it helpful to develop and follow an outline as a way to organize ideas in a coherent manner. Finally, the student must spend time revising and proof-reading the critique. Visit to get professional book review help from academic experts who hold Masters and PhD degrees.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Balance Redox Reaction Example Problem

Balance Redox Reaction Example Problem When balancing redox reactions, the overall electronic charge must be balanced in addition to the usual molar ratios of the component reactants and products. This example problem illustrates how to use the half-reaction method to balance a redox reaction in a solution. Question Balance the following redox reaction in an acidic solution: Cu(s) HNO3(aq) → Cu2(aq) NO(g) Solution Step 1: Identify what is being oxidized and what is being reduced. To identify which atoms are being reduced or oxidized, assign oxidation states to each atom of the reaction. For review: Rules for Assigning Oxidation StatesAssigning Oxidation States Example ProblemOxidation and Reduction Reaction Example Problem Cu(s): Cu 0HNO3: H 1, N 5, O -6Cu2: Cu 2NO(g): N 2, O -2 Cu went from oxidation state 0 to 2, losing two electrons. Copper is oxidized by this reaction.N went from oxidation state 5 to 2, gaining three electrons. Nitrogen is reduced by this reaction. Step 2: Break the reaction into two half-reactions: oxidation and reduction. Oxidation: Cu → Cu2 Reduction: HNO3 → NO Step 3: Balance each half-reaction by both stoichiometry and electronic charge. This is accomplished by adding substances to the reaction. The only rule is that the only substances you can add must already be in the solution. These include water (H2O), H ions (in acidic solutions), OH- ions (in basic solutions) and electrons. Start with the oxidation half-reaction: The half-reaction is already balanced atomically. To balance electronically, two electrons must be added to the product side. Cu → Cu2 2 e- Now, balance the reduction reaction. This reaction requires more work. The first step is to balance all atoms except oxygen and hydrogen. HNO3 → NO There is only one nitrogen atom on both sides, so nitrogen is already balanced. The second step is to balance the oxygen atoms. This is done by adding water to the side that needs more oxygen. In this case, the reactant side has three oxygens and the product side has only one oxygen. Add two water molecules to the product side. HNO3 → NO 2 H2O The third step is to balance the hydrogen atoms. This is accomplished by adding H ions to the side that needs more hydrogen. The reactant side has one hydrogen atom while the product side has four. Add 3 H ions to the reactant side. HNO3 3 H → NO 2 H2O The equation is balanced atomically, but not electrically. The final step is to balance the charge by adding electrons to the more positive side of the reaction. One the reactant side, the overall charge is 3, while the product side is neutral. To counteract the 3 charge, add three electrons to the reactant side. HNO3 3 H 3 e- → NO 2 H2O Now the reduction half-equation is balanced. Step 4: Equalize the electron transfer. In redox reactions, the number of electrons gained must equal the number of electrons lost. To accomplish this, each reaction is multiplied by whole numbers to contain the same number of electrons. The oxidation half-reaction has two electrons while the reduction half-reaction has three electrons. The lowest common denominator between them is six electrons. Multiply the oxidation half-reaction by 3 and the reduction half-reaction by 2. 3 Cu → 3 Cu2 6 e-2 HNO3 6 H 6 e- → 2 NO 4 H2O Step 5: Recombine the half-reactions. This is accomplished by adding the two reactions together. Once they are added, cancel out anything that appears on both sides of the reaction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  3 Cu → 3 Cu2 6 e- 2 HNO3 6 H 6 e- → 2 NO 4 H2O 3 Cu 2 HNO3 6H 6 e- → 3 Cu2 2 NO 4 H2O 6 e- Both sides have six electrons that can be canceled. 3 Cu 2 HNO3 6 H → 3 Cu2 2 NO 4 H2O The complete redox reaction is now balanced. Answer 3 Cu 2 HNO3 6 H → 3 Cu2 2 NO 4 H2O To summarize: Identify the oxidation and reduction components of the reaction.Separate the reaction into the oxidation half-reaction and reduction half-reaction.Balance each half-reaction both atomically and electronically.Equalize the electron transfer between oxidation and reduction half-equations.Recombine the half-reactions to form the complete redox reaction.